To simply maintain your rankings or rank higher, you must modify your SEO strategy as Google’s algorithm changes frequently. To help you decide what strategies and tools to be used, here are a few significant SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2022.

Artificial intelligence

The marketing and SEO industry is changing due to the increased use of AI. AI offers personalization, which is responsible for this impact. To provide searchers with the results they want, Google uses artificial intelligence. Many strategies can be helped by machine learning and AI. Generating favorable strategies and decoding algorithms would be much more powerful and efficient. The Best seo services in india follow such algorithm.

Emphasis on Keyword research

Without typing out the question or even clicking a result, consumers can access the required answers by using rich results in the SERP, such as relevant questions with accordion answers or listings of Google business along with menus, contact information, and many more.

Voice Search Will Impact Search Queries

Voice search technology has come a long way as a result of innovations. Seo services in Bhubaneswar consider your keywords to optimize for voice search. Longer phrases used by people in everyday conversation are identified. With more natural-sounding and longer phrasing, Voice searches tend to do better.


A Google algorithm is the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers). The algorithm analyzes and makes the understanding of searches better by using natural language and machine learning processes. It is available in seventy languages, which is the best thing about it. Interpreting what the searcher is looking for has been made easy by the BERT update. Thus, search engines have become more interactive as a result. Just like the human brain, it can understand the function and things. Your content will be ignored by BERT if your content doesn’t match the searcher’s intent. The Best seo company in Bhubaneswar takes care of contents efficiently.

Semantically Related Keywords

In the future, intent optimization and Semantic search will gain further prominence. Best seo company in India use this concept. Google isn’t just considering word strings anymore. It’s trying to discern a user’s search by analyzing query intent and context. This is to ensure that more relevant information is offered via logically related secondary and primary keywords. To identify keyword difficulty and semantically related keywords, we offer a comprehensive keyword tool to prioritize which queries you want to target first.

An Effective SEO Strategy Will Include Video

Online videos are quite beneficial as an effective SEO trend. All other content forms are going to be surpassed by Video in terms of consumption. Your video channel description and name must be optimized efficiently. The description must offer a user-friendly overview regarding your channel offering and must not be just crammed with keywords. Keywords are crucial beyond this. The Best seo company in Bhubaneswar tries to incorporate videos.

EAT & Branded SEO

Google prioritizes quality content when it comes to ranking. But, just quality is not enough. Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness are considered, which is known as the EAT principle. The future of search engine optimization is Brands. The SEO focus has shifted to authority and branding. If your brand is authentic and popular, it will rank higher and more often on Google. You’ll see this throughout the next few months.

Snippets featuring

At the top of the SERP, Position Zero or a featured snippet appears in the rectangular box. These snippets are beneficial for websites as well apart from being useful for searchers. You cannot choose which content to show in the Featured Snippet for any given search but, Google algorithm bots determine this. The Seo services in Bhubaneswar are well aware of this.

Core Web Vitals

Best seo services in india meet all the Core Web Vitals if you are to qualify for high rankings on Google. This is because Google’s new standards have included these vitals in evaluating the page’s user-friendliness level. The employed metrics include:

  • Cumulative Layout Shift– frequency of a user experiencing shifts in a website is measured.
  • Largest Contentful Paint–the speed taken by the primary content to load is measured by it.
  • First Input Delay– the speed at which interaction of a user with the page content after opening is calculated

SEO Influencer marketing

Millions of followers follow influencers, and they may become your customers if you can get in front of these people. The ROI of a business or brand increases if the influencers support it. As compared to other marketing techniques, a significant amount of ROI is achieved by marketing using influencers. The majority of Best seo company in India think this.